Surfing Tips
Navigation: Use the navigation tabs above (Products, Purchase, Download, etc.) to look around Webroot's web site.
Browsing: If you have a pretty good idea what you're looking for, but are having trouble remembering where to find it, try the site map.
Links: If you clicked on a link in an email message and came to this page, it is possible that the email link was broken across two lines. Try typing the entire link in the address bar of your browser.
This page/file isn't on this server. The link you followed may be out of date, or maybe the URL was mistyped. Please double-check the web address you are trying to reach. Also, please keep in mind that the URL is case-sensitive (i.e. index.htm is not the same as INDEX.htm or Index.htm). For best results, try typing the URL in all lower-case letters.
For Webroot customers trying to download software, if you receive this message again, please go to our update page for the latest downloading and installation instructions.
If you have any questions or need help finding something on our web site, please feel free to submit a ticket using our Trouble Ticket system.
Frequently Downloaded Files (Trial Versions)