There’s a lot that happens in the security world, with many stories getting lost in the mix. In an effort to keep our readers informed and updated, we present the Webroot Threat Recap, highlighting 5 major security news stories of the week.
Wireless Keyboards Found To Be Vulnerable To Radio Hack
In a recent study, it was shown that a large number of wireless keyboards use no encryption when sending data to a corresponding computer, leaving the keystrokes of users accessible to anyone with the right equipment. Among the offenders, the biggest vulnerability was a lack of Bluetooth functionality for connecting to the computer. Instead, the keyboards are using more generic methods, which don’t offer the same security measures.
Researchers Net $22,000 From Pornhub’s Bug Bounty Program
The adult site, which averages over 60 million daily views and nearly 4 million registered accounts, is a lucrative target for cyber criminals. With the offer of a large monetary reward, two researchers set out to break into Pornhub’s main site with the goal of performing remote code execution. By exploiting several vulnerabilities in PHP, they gained the capability to dump the entire Pornhub database to a remote server, which earned them the bounties offered by Hackerone and Pornhub itself.
CryptXXX Thriving With Neutrino Exploit Kit
After the widely-used Angler exploit kit died off back in June, many believed that CryptXXX would also see a decline in use (as it utilized Angler), though the opposite has come to be true instead. By making the switch to the Neutrino exploit kit, CryptXXX has been able to extend it’s reach even further to allow WordPress exploitation as well as the typical Flash Player and Java vulnerabilities. After clicking the infected link, the ransomware payload is dropped and a ransom note with instructions for payment are displayed to the users, along with a warning that the ransom amount will double after 5 days.
Windows 10 Vulnerability Allows for Bypass of User Account Control
Recently, researchers have discovered a method for allowing malicious DLLs on a Windows 10 machine, while bypassing the User Account Control pop-up warning about the heightened privilege access. By replacing one of the DLLs that is launched by the ‘diskcleanup’ application with a malicious version of the same name, the malicious code was executed with administrator privileges and no user input or verification was needed.
Turkish Gas Provider Targetted by Anonymous
In their latest hacktivist attack, OpTurkey, Anonymous has taken aim at a Turkish gas company’s website in protest of local government officials activities as well as their relationship with the company’s top executives. The attackers were able to access the personal and financial records of nearly 500 individuals, the contents of which were subsequently posted online.