Don’t wait for a system failure, ransomware attack, or for your laptop to be stolen before you start thinking about backing up your data.
Why back up?
According to a 2016 study by Acronis, 1 in 3 people have suffered data loss and are willing to pay up to $500 or more to recover lost files. Your data and important files are undoubtedly worth a lot to you, but—realistically speaking—just how much are you willing (or even able) to shell out?
With the increase in ransomware and sophisticated attacks, you can’t afford NOT to back up your files and sensitive data. Being proactive with your backup can help save your favorite vacation photos, videos of your kid’s first piano recital, not to mention sensitive information that could cost you thousands by itself.
In an effort to help the community be more cyber aware, celebrates on March 31st not only as a day for backing up your personal data, but a day for preserving our increasingly digital heritage for future generations.
How to effectively back files up to prevent data loss:
- Choose a secure backup solution. Whether it’s a cloud-based service or an external hard drive, do your research and choose what’s right for you.
- Implement a backup schedule that covers your preferred data through your cloud solution or external drive.
- Set reminders to ensure that your backups are running regularly and that they haven’t encountered any errors.
I’ve backed up my data. Now what? How do I avoid a ransomware attack?
“Throughout 2016 and likely into 2017, the Office document macro infection into encrypting ransomware was quite common. By disabling macros completely in the trust center (free and easy to do) you will completely remove this attack vector from posing a threat to you or your organization.” –Tyler Moffitt, Senior Threat Research Analyst
- Disable macros
- Keep your device and all programs, plugins, add-ons, and patches up to date
- Use a secure browser with an ad blocking plugin
- Disable autorun in Windows
Take the Pledge
Hop on the World Backup Day bandwagon. Share a Tweet to help keep yourself, your friends, and your family protected from ransomware attacks, stolen devices, and system failure.
It’s easy. Repeat after me.
“I solemnly swear to backup my important documents and precious memories on March 31st.”