The Cyber News Rundown brings you the latest happenings in cyber news weekly. Who am I? I’m Connor Madsen, a Webroot Threat Research Analyst, and a guy with a passion for all things security. Any more questions? Just ask.
UK Dating Site Exposes User Info
Recently, users of the UK-based dating site, Soulmates, reported receiving explicit emails that contained info available on their dating profiles. After what appeared to be a third-party data leak, Soulmates revealed that both usernames and corresponding email addresses had been compromised. Soulmates has since confirmed that the cause of the leak has been resolved, but declined to provide further detail.
Dangerous Microsoft Security Bug Found
In the past week, a Google researcher discovered a bug in the Microsoft® Windows Defender that exploits the program’s high-level permissions to cause chaos on the system—without the user having to take any action. The bug occurred when Windows Defender scanned a malicious email, which then enabled the remote code execution to further take control of the affected device. Fortunately, Microsoft releases automatic updates, so this should be resolved for most systems, or will be soon.
Ireland Falls Victim to Multiple Email Scams
In recent weeks, thousands of Irish citizens have received scam emails from Tesco Bank and Bank of Ireland, all requesting that they confirm personal information via a link to the site’s login page. (As if we needed yet another reason to avoid links in emails…) Recognizing that many users will be savvy enough to delete the obvious phishing attempt without clicking the link, attackers are likely measuring success based solely on the relatively small percentage of recipients who fall for the scam.
Healthcare Providers Leave Medical Records Accessible to All
Researchers have recently uncovered a flaw in several healthcare providers’ websites, which allows any user to view the medical records of other patients. By logging into one site, the researcher was able to successfully load another patient’s records by simply changing a single digit in the PDF download link. Another site allowed users to view records without a login that would verify their identity.
SS7, Major Security Flaw in International Telecomm
For years now, researchers have been documenting flaws inherent in SS7, the signal protocol that allows 800+ telecomm service providers to work together efficiently. By taking control of a rogue telecomm company, attackers have been able to successfully reroute incoming messages and calls to a compromised device to monitor activity. SS7 has also been blamed for multiple other security incidents over the years, from device tracking to full internet usage and communication monitoring.

This is my hw.
I have webroot security. I downloaded Facebook Gameroom and used the game Triviador on that, just 2 days. I was unable to access my programs icons this morning. I think my computer was hijacked. LOG ME IN somehow got access and they wanted to charge me $179.00 to fix the problem.I have recently changed locations/moved, and installed wi-fi at new locations. IDK what caused the problem, however I refused to pay the fee for solution they offered. I was able to reset the computer through normal restore operation. How can I prevent this sort of mishap in the future?
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