The Cyber News Rundown brings you the latest happenings in cyber news weekly. Who am I? I’m Connor Madsen, a Webroot Threat Research Analyst, and a guy with a passion for all things security. Any more questions? Just ask.
Samsung’s Latest Iris Scanners are Easily Fooled
Recently, ethical hackers have been able to bypass Samsung’s latest attempt at iris recognition with minimal effort. Would you believe the tech is fooled by simply scanning a high-res picture of the right pair of eyes? While the vendor who supplies Samsung with the recognition software assures users that their security is infallible, the opposite seems to be true. The group that discovered the hack was also responsible for finding the workaround for Apple’s Touch ID locking system.
University Twitter Account Hacked, Tweets Racist Remarks
Unfortunately, Salem State University in Massachusetts has joined the ranks of notable organizations, institutions, and individuals who have fallen victim to social media hacks. In the past week, officials at Salem State having been dealing with the aftermath of a hack that caused their Twitter account to post highly offensive, racist messages. For the time being, the account has been suspended, the tweets in question have been deleted, and the university has issued public apologies through all regional means.
Tech Support Scammers Using WannaCry to Leverage Payment
While tech support scams aren’t new, it seems that scammers are now shifting their tactics to use cyberattacks that have made the news as an extortion tool. After launching an annoying popup that informs victims of their (fake) WannaCry infection, the scammers prompt users to call the (fake) support number for assistance. They then demand an outrageous payment just to run the free Microsoft Malicious Software Removal tool.
Yahoobleed Vulnerability Leaks User Data
Security researchers have been warning Yahoo! about its numerous security vulnerabilities around user data for years, and have gotten only silence in response. The flaw comes from ImageMagick, an image processing system used by Yahoo, which didn’t receive a crucial patch that was released in early 2015. This flaw allowed criminals to send an email containing a malicious image file which, once opened, would enable the end user access to Yahoo! server information. Rather than patching the bug that cybercriminals could exploit, Yahoo! simply discontinued using ImageMagick.
Bank Biometrics Bypassed by Twin Brother
Recently, a reporter for the BBC discovered that his HSBC bank credentials could be falsified by his non-identical twin brother using the voice-recognition password system. The system allowed the reporter’s brother no fewer than 8 attempts to correctly match the voice patterns necessary to access the account, though it only offered him limited viewing access. HSBC has stated that they will decrease the number of failed attempts allowed, and will work to add more layers of security.