The Cyber News Rundown brings you the latest happenings in cyber news weekly. Who am I? I’m Connor Madsen, a Webroot Threat Research Analyst, and a guy with a passion for all things security. Any more questions? Just ask.
DoubleLocker Takes Android Ransomware to Next Level
While the concept of ransomware is nothing new, DoubleLocker takes encryption a step further by not only locking down the device’s files, but also locking the device itself. Once installed, DoubleLocker takes control of the Home button functionality, implementing a randomly generated PIN for the device the first time the user taps Home. This makes it extremely difficult to unlock the device without performing a complete factory reset.
Heathrow Security Documents Found on Lost USB Drive
In the last week, officials at Heathrow Airport in London have been working to determine how a USB drive containing a large quantity of security details about the airport was found on an inconspicuous London street. The USB contained information on the airport’s security measures, as well as details on how the Queen is ushered through the facility. Fortunately, the man who found the drive turned it in to the proper authorities after discovering the data it contained.
Firefox Fights Canvas Fingerprinting
The newest Firefox browser version will take a sterner approach to canvas fingerprinting, a nearly silent method of tracking users’ browsing activity. Canvas fingerprinting tracks the browser instead of storing cookies on the system. Although it has legitimate uses, the canvas element allows companies to track users without their consent. Unlike cookies, fingerprints cannot be deleted by the user. While canvas fingerprinting won’t be going away, Firefox is taking a step in the right direction: their new browser version will give users the choice of opting in, rather than being unwitting subjects.
Mobile Facebook Users Targeted By Phishing Scheme
Recently, Facebook users from continental Europe have seen a sizeable increase in phishing campaigns focused on mobile users. The campaigns start with an already-hacked Facebook account that posts fake “YouTube” links. These links direct anyone who clicks to a fake login page that attempts to steal their credentials. The phished credentials are then used to continue propagating the campaign from the compromised user accounts.
ONI Ransomware Favors Japanese Systems
For the last several months, researchers have been tracking the ONI ransomware variant as it works its way through Japan’s corporate sector. Focusing solely on Japanese companies, ONI and MBR-ONI have been spotted encrypting numerous computers and also wiping others clean, likely in an attempt to cover up other hacking operations. Researchers report the attackers may have used the EternalBlue exploit to move through networks more easily, as the computers involved had not yet received the Microsoft update that would have patched that vulnerability.

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