Webroot put forward another strong performance in its latest round of independent third-party testing, besting all competitors and taking home the highest overall score. In taking the highest score in the category for 2021, Webroot beat out competitors including BitDefender™, McAfee® and ESET® endpoint security solutions.
In the report, the company conducted objective testing of nine endpoint security products, including Webroot® Business Endpoint Security. Tests measured performance in 15 categories including:
- Installation size
- Boot time
- CPU usage during idle and scan
- Memory usage during idle and initial scan
- Memory usage during scheduled scan
Webroot stood out in several categories in addition achieving the best overall score. Some categories were won by a wide margin.
Consider installation time for instance. Webroot completed installation in just over four seconds, while the next fastest installation time was more than 17 seconds and the average for the category was over 162 seconds.
According to PassMark, this metric is important because “the speed and ease of the installation process will strongly influence the user’s first impression of the security software.”
Installation size was a similar case. It is an important metric because as PassMark puts it, “In offering new features and functionality to users, security software products tend to increase in size with each new release.”
Webroot also took home top honors when it comes to memory usage. In both memory used while idle and during scan, Webroot was the least impactful to system resources.
The reason Webroot performed so well in this test is not by accident. By design, much of the “heavy lifting” of endpoint security is done in the cloud. This ensures the highest level of efficacy while also reducing the performance impact at the endpoint. Businesses should not need to sacrifice performance for efficacy.
Additionally, Webroot took the top spot in the categories of memory usage during memory usage during initial scan, memory usage during scheduled scan, scheduled scan time and file compression and decompression.
PassMark® Software Party, Ltd. specializes in “the development of high-quality performance benchmarking solutions as well as providing expert independent IT consultancy services to clients ranging from government organizations to major IT heavyweights.”