Cybercriminals continue to maliciously ‘innovate’, further confirming the TTP (tactics, techniques and procedure) observations we made in our Cybercrime Trends – 2013 assessment back in December, 2013, namely, that the diverse cybercrime ecosystem is poised for exponential growth. Standardizing the very basics of fraudulent and malicious operations, throughout the years, cybercriminals have successfully achieved a state of ‘malicious economies of scale, type of economically efficient model, successfully contributing to international widespread financial and intellectual property theft. Thanks to basic cybercrime disruption concepts, such as modular DIY (do-it-yourself) commercial and publicly obtainable malware/botnet generating tools. In 2014, both sophisticated and novice cybercriminals have everything they need to reach an efficient state of fraudulent/malicious operation.
We’ve recently spotted a commercially obtainable modular, Tor C&C enabled, Bitcoin mining malware/botnet generating tool. Let’s discuss its features, key differentiation factors and take a peek inside it’s Web-based command and control interface.
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