The emergence and sophistication of DIY botnet generating tools has lowered the entry barriers into the world of cybercrime. With ever-increasing professionalism and QA (Quality Assurance) applied by cybercriminals, in combination with bulletproof cybercrime-friendly hosting providers, these tactics represent key success factors for an increased life cycle of any given fraudulent/malicious campaign. Throughout the years, we’ve witnessed the adoption of multiple bulletproof hosting infrastructure techniques for increasing the life cycle of campaigns,with a clear trend towards diversification, rotation or C&C communication techniques, and most importantly, the clear presence of a KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) type of pragmatic mentality; especially in terms of utilizing HTTP based C&C communication channels for botnet operation.
In this post, I’ll discuss a managed botnet setup as a service, targeting novice cybercriminals who are looking for remote assistance in the process of setting up the C&C infrastructure for their most recently purchased DIY botnet generation tool. I’ll also discuss the relevance of these services in the content of the (sophisticated) competition, that’s been in business for years, possessing the necessary know-how to keep a customer’s fraudulent/malicious campaign up and running.