Industry Intel

Girl Scouts and OpenText empower future leaders of tomorrow with cyber resilience

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World Backup Day reminds us all just how precious our data is

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3 Reasons We Forget Small & Midsized Businesses are Major Targets for Ransomware

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How Ransomware Sneaks In

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An MSP and SMB guide to disaster preparation, recovery and remediation

Introduction It’s important for a business to be prepared with an exercised business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) plan plan before its hit with ransomware so that it can resume operations as quickly as possible. Key steps and solutions should be followed...

Podcast: Cyber resilience in a remote work world

The global pandemic that began to send us packing from our offices in March of last year upended our established way of working overnight. We’re still feeling the effects. Many office workers have yet to return to the office in the volumes they worked in pre-pandemic....

5 Tips to get Better Efficacy out of Your IT Security Stack

If you’re an admin, service provider, security executive, or are otherwise affiliated with the world of IT solutions, then you know that one of the biggest challenges to overcome is efficacy. Especially in terms of cybersecurity, efficacy is something of an amorphous...

How Cryptocurrency and Cybercrime Trends Influence One Another

Typically, when cryptocurrency values change, one would expect to see changes in crypto-related cybercrime. In particular, trends in Bitcoin values tend to be the bellwether you can use to predict how other currencies’ values will shift, and there are usually...

For your eyes only (please)

By the Webroot Threat Team

Have you ever had the queasy experience of sending a message to someone that you’d rather not have anyone else see, and then hoping that it won’t get passed along? A new system developed by Internet law and security researchers aims to solve the problem, with a light-handed touch.

The Stanford Center for Internet and Society has launched Privicons, an email privacy tool that it describes as a ‘user-to-user’ solution. There are no policy servers, crypto algorithms, or software enforcement agents to worry about. Instead, it relies on good old-fashioned icons.

Webmail users who install the Privicons plugin can choose from a selection of icons that are then pasted into their mail. Each of the icons represents a specific request concerning how the information in the mail is treated. The icons are as follows:

  ‘Keep private’: Don’t pass on the information, or identify the sender.
  ‘Keep anonymous’: Use the information freely, but don’t tell anyone who sent it to you.
  ‘Don’t print’: This can be for environmental or security reasons.
  ‘Delete after reading/X days’: Delete the information to avoid it falling into the wrong hands.
  ‘Keep internal’: Keep it among a close circle of people.
  ‘Please share’: Distribute freely.

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Everyone has a role in protecting a corporate infrastructure (Part 1)

By Jacques Erasmus

This time of year, those of us in information security become wary of crafty criminals leveraging the winter holidays to prey on our employees’ lack of awareness online in a number of ways. All it takes is for one Trojan to infect a single PC in a company to put an entire infrastructure at risk.

Everyone plays a role in protecting the assets and information of their organization. To help explain what this means for you as an IT manager, an employee or even a home user, we have developed a two-part primer on common threats you may encounter on a daily basis that might pose a risk to you or your company’s infrastructure.

We begin today with part one: Web-based attacks.

From a security awareness point of view, these threats are much harder to spot due to the manner in which they operate. However, this discussion will help you better understand how they work and to know when these attacks take place.

Below is a picture of what the common workflow is for a web-based threat. In the last few years, exploit frameworks have exploded onto the scene as the de-facto way to accumulate many users in a short period of time. The diagram below tries to detail the basic workflow of these to improve your understanding of how you might get infected.

In this example, a user might be using Search to find information on a hot topic such as the iPhone 4S and browse to a website that is totally legitimate. The website, however, might be compromised by a hacker exploiting an outdated or vulnerable version of some package the site is leveraging — let’s use WordPress as an example. A botnet may be used to crawl Search data and popular terms to find websites running vulnerable versions of WordPress. If a blog or website is found that meets this criteria, an IFrame will be injected into the site pointing to the hacker’s exploit server. When you browse to this website, your browser loads the content of the IFrame which, in the background, creates a session to the exploit framework that will in turn try to infect you while you are on a website you assume is safe.

Then, the exploit server, or ‘framework’ in this case, looks for out-of-date versions of popular third party applications such as Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Quicktime, Media Player, Java (JRE), Webex and a myriad of other applications that may be running on your machine. Third party applications are now a massive vector for attack — in my opinion, bigger than Windows operating system exploits.

How do companies protect against this?

The first step is ensuring that all systems are patched — not just Windows and Office applications updates, but also the auxiliary apps that run on your desktops and laptops. IT departments need to perform regular and rigorous patching.

But that’s not all. Cases exist where a patch does not exist for a particular vulnerability. To circumvent this, IT admins should implement a layered defense system where protection is running on the desktop and layered defenses on the gateway to filter these attacks. Additional monitoring to correlate network forensics into our array of tools to detect these exploits and attacks is also a good idea.

As an employee, the important thing to remember is to be vigilant and report anything suspicious to your IT department. The more disciplined you are on what to look for in a scam, the less potential there is for a company-wide breach of security.

Please stay tuned for part two of this awareness series: email-borne threats.

Reflections on mobile security

By Armando Orozco

Be wary the next time you enter your passcode into your iPhone on the bus – someone could be shoulder surfing. In fact, a team of researchers from the University of North Carolina has developed a system to watch you pecking out characters on your phone, analyse the video, and produce a pretty accurate guess of what you were typing.

When people talk about key loggers, they’re usually thinking about malware that sits on a computer and surreptitiously monitors what keys people are pressing. But these university researchers are applying an entirely different approach to key logging. Instead of putting software on computers, they are investigating ways to monitor the text that people input into their mobile phones. They do it by taking video of your phone, either directly (over your shoulder or from the side), or simply by reading the reflections of your phone’s screen in your glasses.

The researchers developed a mechanism for looking at mobile phone screens using cheap, mobile videocameras. The cameras record video of people typing on ‘soft’ keyboards, such as those used by Apple’s iPhone. These keyboards commonly use ‘pop out’ animations, in which the key being pressed gets bigger when pressed, to confirm to the user that they have selected the right letter. The pop-out animation makes it easier to see which keys are being pressed in the video.

Mobile cameras have increased dramatically in quality lately, making them far more capable of capturing reflected keyboard images. These cameras are embedded in smartphones, of course, or if you wanted to get even techier, you could buy one of these.

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‘Tis the season for mobile malware

By Armando Orozco

You’ve heard of the “perfect storm”? Well, there may be one brewing in Android-land. We just wrapped up a study that revealed holiday shopping is about to go mobile—in a big way. Turns out, over two times more shoppers plan to buy gifts on their mobile device this year. Over two times more?! It got me thinking…

We know that Android malware is on the rise. Even Android users themselves seem aware of it; our mobile study also found that 23 percent more Android users are concerned with the security of their information than iOS users. And although Google reported it was tightening access to its open source Android OS back in March, our researchers continually spot plenty of opportunities to capitalize on vulnerabilities because there’s still virtually no review process for new apps

It’s not hard to put two and two together.

As sleigh bells start ringing and shoppers reach for their mobile devices, I can just imagine cybercriminals licking their lips. We’ve seen two popular tactics for Android malware: gaining remote access to your device’s data and sending texts to premium numbers. Of course the end goal is the same for both routes: money, money, money.  And what more profitable time to go after the pot of gold than during the busy gift-buying season?

But here’s one more thing to consider: We can’t single out Android devices, because malware isn’t the only risk. The portability of iOS-based smartphones and tablets means they can easily fall into the wrong person’s hands—and whatever data is on that device would go with it.

So before you hit the “mobile mall” on Black Friday, take a few simple steps to protect yourself and your data:

  • Lock your device. Most smartphones and tablets give you a choice of locking it with a password, numeric code or pattern.  Use it.
  • Know your apps. Only download apps from trusted sources, and never install apps that want to access functions they don’t need, like the ability to send SMS messages. And it’s always smart to check out reviews by users and the experts before installing.
  • Use caution when connecting to WiFi hotspots. Avoid banking, making purchases, or logging into secure websites when connecting to WiFi hotspots.
  • Install mobile security. Mobile security apps provide lost device protection, secure web browsing, and antimalware services. Webroot offers several free and premium versions of Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ for protecting devices on the iOS and Android operating systems.

The bottom line: Be a savvy shopper, whether you’re on your Android at the airport or your computer at home. ‘Tis the season to shop safely.

Top 7 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2012

By Mel Morris

From Stuxnet to Sony, a number of cyberattacks emerged in 2011 that experts have predicted for quite some time. I predict 2012 will be even more pivotal, thrusting cybersecurity into the spotlight. These are my top seven forecasts for the year ahead:

1) Targeted, zero-day attacks will be the norm.
Looking back over the past year, an increasing number of breaches were the result of custom malware and exploits targeting specific enterprises. I predict 2012 will be the year of targeted attacks, which have slowly evolved from large-scale threats to unique attacks designed to infect a handful of very specific people.  Traditional blacklist and signature approaches have already become ineffective; once a virus is spotted, malware writers simply create a new one. As targeted, zero-day attacks intensify, more security vendors will realize the pressing need to analyze threats and behavior more holistically.

2) 2012 will be the start of a revolution.
For the last several years, the security industry and cybercriminals have had a symbiotic relationship that has kept the market in balance. The “good guys” have done just enough to thwart attacks – and the bad guys haven’t needed to dramatically evolve as they’re still making money doing exactly what they’re doing. I predict the scales will tip in the coming year. More innovative and effective security technology will drive a revolution and we’ll see a heated battle emerge between security companies and cybercriminals. It’s survival of the fittest.  As soon as cloud-based technology and behavioral protection strengthen their foothold in the antimalware sector, hackers and cyber mafias will up the ante and scope out new vulnerabilities.

3) Cyber threats will gain political traction.
The Stuxnet worm is an example of something we detected long ago, and its impact has now taken on a whole new meaning. The virus’s sophisticated ability to infiltrate government systems, silently gather information, and disable nuclear power plants has prompted a wakeup call, driving leaders to reassess federal technology standards and regulations. Stuxnet gives us a very real and very scary glimpse of what’s to come.

4)  Masses will migrate to cloud platforms.
Now that Cloud has an “i” front of it, the cloud will truly hit the mainstream. The appeal of file sharing and remote access will be a major draw for an increasingly tech savvy population that connects to the Internet from tablets, smartphones, and multiple PCs. This will not only drive widespread adoption of cloud-based tools and applications amongst consumers, but it will dramatically accelerate migration in the business world. Many companies are already on board with cloud platforms and applications, but the power of the masses will act as a tipping point, pushing the vast majority of IT professionals to shun old-school, on-premise approaches and look to the cloud for infrastructure and data solutions.

5) Your smartphone will be a target. Security companies have done a fairly good job of stopping attacks at the endpoint, and this will lead cybercriminals to focus their efforts more heavily on mobile devices, which are still quite vulnerable in today’s environment. We will see an increase in Android and iPhone attacks: rogue apps, malicious links, and spyware targeted at smartphones and tablets. It’s all about data, and business users and consumers alike store an abundance of highly sensitive and poorly guarded information on their mobile devices.

6) Legitimate applications will be used for illegitimate activities.
Rogue Android apps are just the tip of the iceberg. We load our mobile devices with applications that are designed to simplify our lives, yet we don’t stop to consider what else they are capable of – or what someone is capable of manipulating them to do. Even legitimate apps can grab information and use it without our permission. A simple glance at an application like Plane Finder illustrates the vast amount of data that is at anyone’s fingertips. And that’s not to mention the many other opportunities roaming devices present; a criminal could leverage a mobile device to pick up data from a nearby network, or hack into a plane’s WiFi connection and send signals to devices left in improper flight mode.

7) Our weakest link will be strengthened.
When it comes to security, the weakest link has always been people. In 2012, indifference toward security will diminish. Businesses will invest in security and strengthen duty of care measures. Employees and consumers will see the ramifications of breaches and begin incorporating smart Internet practices into their everyday behaviors.

In space, no one can hear you hack

By the Webroot Threat Team

Two of NASA’s satellites were hacked during 2007 and 2008, according to a draft report to be officially released later this month. According to the United StatesChina Economic and Security Review Commission, the ‘birds’, which focused on Earth observation for tasks such as climate monitoring, were reportedly pwned by the attackers, to the extent that they could have taken total control of the systems, had they wished.

The Landsat-7 earth observation satellite was hacked into for twelve minutes, during October 2007 and July 2008. The Terra AM-1 earth observation satellite was disrupted for two minutes in June 2008, and attackers enjoyed another nine-minute ride in October that year.

It’s all a bit scary, isn’t it? Mostly, security professionals focus on botnets, auction scams and spam. We rarely if ever cast our eyes and our thoughts skywards – and there are a lot of things floating around up there.

As of August, there were at least 965 operational satellites in orbit around the world, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. The breakdown of these satellites is as follows:

  • 443 were launched by the US
  • 101 were launched by Russia
  • 69 were launched by China

These satellites perform a broad spectrum of functions, ranging from scientific research, commercial/business purposes, and various military functions.

These are the ones that are known about; there are doubtless a few unclassified birds up there, too, probably with powerful lenses, among other things. With valuable data on everything from commercial inventory to ATM data flying around, how safe are all these things from attack?

Not very, as it turns out. One of the biggest problems for satellite manufacturers is that once a bird is up there, it isn’t that easy to nip up and patch a piece of equipment.

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This blackhole exploit kit gives you Windows Media Player and a whole lot more

By Mike Johnson

As a follow-up to the Blackhole Exploit posting, I thought I would share one aspect of my job that I truely enjoy: Discovery.

While investigating some active urls being served up via a blackhole kit, I noticed something quite odd, as I would end up on sites that had malicious code injected into their webpages.

Once the redirection to the blackhole kit was initiated, I saw the usual exploits taking place, first being Internet Explorer and Adobe Flash, then onto Adobe Reader and Java.

This time, the kit didn’t stop there. Internet Explorer proceeded to launch Windows Media Player. Since I had never used it on this test machine, the Windows Media Player install sequence initiated, causing the windows media player setup screen to appear in order to finalize its installation.

I became curious as to what Windows Media Player is being used for. Unfortunately in this case, I couldn’t see where any files were called down to the machine and did not have any type of network analyzer running.

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Will you take Facebook’s candy?

By the Webroot Threat Team

It’s a creepy treat, with a serious underlying message. The latest viral website uses a horror movie format to show you just how much the average Facebook application can find out about you.

TakeThisLollipop, which has already received 1.7 million ‘Likes’ on Facebook, uses the social network’s application authentication scheme to find out about users.

Anyone clicking on the lollipop displayed on the site is asked to let the application access a panoply of information about them from Facebook, in addition to other privileges, such as posting as them. If they accept, they get to see the application’s payload: a video in which an unhinged man views their Facebook account, growing increasingly distressed as he looks at their pictures, wall posts, and friends’ status updates.

The whole thing is incredibly well done. It ends with the disturbed Facebook stalker driving towards your location (you knew that Facebook stored your hometown location, right?) and getting out of the car in a menacing fashion. Taped to his dashboard is a Polaroid, containing your profile picture. Chilling stuff.

What is even more chilling is the fact that this website is able to harvest so much information about you after you click the ‘Allow’ button in the dialogue box that it throws up. What else have you allowed access to, and how much do these applications know about you?

There is an even more important question: who is writing these Facebook apps, that harvest your most intimate personal and social data? There are seven million web sites and applications integrated with Facebook, many of which request privileged access to your account data before they will give you what the developers promise. Most people blindly allow these applications access, without thinking about where the information might be going.

It takes almost no effort to become a Facebook developer. The company introduced some basic developer verification procedures last year, such as providing a credit card number, or a mobile phone number. But of course, we know how many credit cards are stolen each year, don’t we? And how many mobile phones are stolen or cloned each week?

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I don’t think it means what you think it means…

Websites Hosting Android Trojans  

By Armando Orozco and  Nathan Collier

Rogue Android apps are making their way into alternative markets. Yes, we’ve seen some malicious apps trickle through and they can be elusive. But we’re now seeing markets that are only hosting malware. These rogues are of the premium rate SMS variety and request the user to send a bounty if they want the app. The interesting thing is that the websites they’re hosted on are very well put together and you can see that a great deal of time was put into creating them.

 The Websites

Click for Full Size

These well-crafted websites follow a similar layout; they have device reviews, app descriptions with screenshots, QR Codes and FAQs. So far, we’ve only found these websites aimed at Russian users, with the web pages written in Russian. The descriptions are similar to those in the Android Market and the screenshots appear to be taken from the market.  We are discovering that this network of SMS Trojans is fairly large. read more…

Outdated Operating System? This BlackHole Exploit Kit has you in its sights

By Mike Johnson

Several weeks back, I was presented with a group of snapshots from an active BlackHole Exploit Kit 1.2 Control Panel.

As with other toolkits I’ve seen in the wild, this one has all the makings of some real bad medicine. The authors have yet again gone to the trouble of making this toolkit incredibly easy to use and widely available for a price. Just a little unsavory web hosting in a country with few or no diplomatic relations and off to the races they go.

It appears this toolkit is configurable in both Russian and English, making one wonder its true origins.

I’ve slowly tracked URLs accompanying this toolkit and watched it dish out some very widely undetected malware, such as:

Information Stealing/Banking Trojans:
Mebroot Rootkit

Another more popular rootkit we’re seeing very widely on the Webroot realtime watch is: vSirefef.B/Zero-Access.

BlackHole toolkit preys on only two items in a user’s machine:

1) Unpatched operating system exploits

2) Internet browsers, add-in and plugin exploits such as Adobe and Java Software

Here are some of the known exploits the kit can execute on a victim’s machines.

Windows Operating Systems:
CVE-2010-1885 HCP (Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003)

CVE-2006-0003 IE MDAC

Adobe Software:
CVE-2008-2992 Adobe Reader util.printf
CVE-2009-0927 Adobe Reader Collab GetIcon
CVE-2007-5659 Adobe Reader CollectEmailInfo

Java Software:
CVE-2009-1671 Java buffer overflows in the Deployment Toolkit ActiveX control in deploytk.dll
CVE-2010-0840 Java trusted Methods Chaining Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
CVE-2010-0842 Java JRE MixerSequencer Invalid Array Index Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
CVE-2010-0886 Java Unspecified vulnerability in the Java Deployment Toolkit component in Oracle Java SE
CVE-2010-1423 Java argument injection vulnerability in the URI handler in Java NPAPI plugin

The basic view the bot controller has is of the statistics page, which should indicate why I listed some of the expoits this toolkit is using. Not surprisingly, for as young as the kit is, you can see that both the Java and Adobe softwares are exploited far more than any others.

I’m sure some think they are safe using a browser other than Internet Explorer but it appears from this image there isn’t alot of difference in how this toolkit has  behaved between the three browsers it’s touched.

As the authors have made this toolkit easy to use, they have also made it easy to maintain a low detection rate on the binaries by using an antivirus scanning service which does not share any binaries collected with the AV industry.

The easy-to-read statistics page make it simple for the controller to view and monitor how well or poor the current bot is doing — how many operating systems it’s infected, what type of operating systems were infected, and in which countries they’re located.

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Awake at all hours during Cyber Security Awareness Month

By Jacques Erasmus

I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, and last night I pinpointed why. October has presented me with a perfect storm of Internet security developments: I embarked on my first few weeks as chief information security officer for Webroot amidst the most significant consumer product launch the company has ever had.

These activities alone would’ve been enough to keep corporate security top of mind 24/7, but their occurrence during Cyber Security Awareness Month further drove it home for me. So I thought perhaps it may be cathartic for me, and helpful for you, if I shared some of the risk scenarios I’ve been thinking about, and best practices for protecting yourself and your organization from them.

Scenario One: Network-based infections.
Many organizations have solid standards for securing all of the desktop and laptop computers their employees use to locally and remotely access the corporate network. But all it takes is one contractor with an infected laptop to connect to the corporate network and expose sensitive corporate and customer information to malware. Think of it from a physical security aspect: like strangers in the building, you’d want to prevent rogue access points. The way we’re protecting ourselves at Webroot is by using our SecureAnywhere anti-malware technology to interface with network access control devices to ensure they’re clean before connecting to the network.

Scenario Two: Web app vulnerabilities.
SQL injections enable criminals to harvest passwords, bank account numbers and other personal information you may use for online transactions on seemingly safe sites. Man in the middle attacks — in which an attacker intercepts a communication between a customer and the server it’s intended to reach – are made possible by poor coding standards or poor input validation on web forms. Gaps like these enable injectors to change the fields where you enter your validation information in order to facilitate the heist. To the user, the site URL also may appear dodgy. Developers, it’s critical that you employ secure coding standards for web applications.

Scenario Three: Targeted Attacks.
This last scenario is more like a billion rolled into one; IT administrators as well as individual web users should have a healthy dose of concern about targeted attacks. Malware authors can customize Trojans for the specific environment they want to attack and the specific data they plan to steal, such as source code, financial information and customer data.

Advanced persistent threats like this typically penetrate organizations via social engineering tactics like spoofed emails that are designed to look like they’re coming from a trusted source. Employees who receive one of these emails and do what the message asks them to do are unwittingly triggering an exploit; clicking a link or opening a PDF, flash or QuickTime file leads to a drive-by download.

Here’s a real-world example that will give you a good idea of why the targeted attack is the most dangerous risk scenario of them all:

Bank tellers at a financial institution we were working with received an email under the name of someone at the company they knew and trusted. The email claimed their CEO was going to appear on TV and they’d need to register for a certain website in order to view the show online at their desks. A few of the tellers clicked a link in the email and landed on a website which told them to install a tool to view videos.

It turns out the tool the tellers installed was actually the SpyEye Trojan, and the criminal had done his homework. He knew this bank had an international wire transfer interface; he also knew that in order to use the bank’s wire transfer interface, you need to be inside the bank’s network to initiate the transfers, and you’d need to infect more than one teller because the bank uses dual control to enable a wire transfer. So infecting two employees was the ideal entry point.

While the tellers were working, the criminal created a second online session and made three very sizeable transfers to three remote geographies. And since the crime happened late on a Friday, the financial institution was unprepared to stop the transfers, ultimately losing thousands and thousands of dollars.

The good news is a number of measures can thwart this kind of attack:

IT administrators, keep in mind the easiest point of entry for a cybercriminal is your weakest link: Your employees. Educate your employees on spotting a fake.

Web users, if you’re online at work or at home and aren’t sure if the URL in a suspicious email is dangerous, check it out on or If you’re sending emails or transacting online outside of the office, make sure the sites you’re using are https websites. Otherwise your password can be sniffed on an unsecured network.

A look inside the SpyEye Trojan admin console

By Michael Johnson

At Webroot we’ve been researching and chronicling developments with SpyEye since we first saw it in April 2010. This nasty Trojan is the successor to the Zeus Trojan, and it became essentially the main rootkit available for sale after the author of ZeuS left the underground market and sold ZeuS sources to the SpyEye team.

Over the last six months, through Webroot’s real-time watch technology and through my own adventures hunting malware proactively in my spare time, I’ve noticed an extreme escalation of SpyEye infections.

Last week I came across a URL for a password-protected site and at first didn’t think very much of it. But once I logged in, I realized I was on the administrator’s page of a SpyEye Panel, with what appeared to be full access. The administration panel was so easy to run, a fifth grader could do it.

At first glance, there were about 3,000 bots with approximately 600 active at the moment I was looking. The site was moved four days later which at that point, the number of bots was quickly approaching 10,000.

Now some of this is started to make sense. The authors of SpyEye have made it so simple to operate and  in case of any trouble, apparently provide support promptly. Their selling points are working quite effectively and a lot of the wrong type of people are able to acquire the builders, Command and Control Servers for a small amount of money.

Taking a look at some of the screenshots, it doesn’t look very nice from any view.

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