A spammed link campaign that spread through Facebook rapidly over the weekend delivered a malicious payload designed to take control of the Facebook account of any infected user, steal passwords, and hijack clicks in the victim’s browser. The messages appear as links sent by a friend, accompanied by the brain-damaged text “You? I find it on Google.”
Clicking the link directs recipients to a page on online-photo-albums.org which, at the time, pointed to malware hosted on a server (now offline) based in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This installer drops no fewer than six payloads, including the “clickjacker” Trojan-Bamital, which redirects the browser to a different site when a user on an infected machine clicks a linked result in a very specific subset of search engine Web sites (such as, for example, results on the South Korean version of Google, Google.kr, but not the main Google.com site itself).
In addition, album.exe file also drops Trojan-Downloader-Suurch, which can download and install additional payloads, and leads hapless Web surfers into the abyss by hijacking searches on a broader set of search engines, and injecting its own code into the search results page. The album.exe installer also drops a DLL which captures passwords and other data entered into Web forms in Internet Explorer, and forwards that data on to a different Web domain (which happens to be hosted at the same IP address in Bosnia that was used for the album.exe download — and remains online as I publish this).