‘Fwd: Scan from a Xerox W. Pro’ themed emails lead to Black Hole Exploit Kit

‘Fwd: Scan from a Xerox W. Pro’ themed emails lead to Black Hole Exploit Kit

On a periodic basis, malicious cybercriminals spamvertise millions of emails attempting to trick end users into thinking that they’ve received a scanned document. Upon clicking on the links found in these emails, or viewing the malicious .html attachment, users are automatically exposed to the client-side exploits served by the latest version of the Black Hole Exploit Kit.

In this post, I will profile two currently circulating malicious campaigns. The first is mimicking a Xerox Pro printer, and the second is claiming to be a legitimate Wire Transfer. Both of these campaigns point to the same client-side exploits serving URL, indicating that they’ve been launched by the same cybercriminal/gang of cybercriminals.

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USPS ‘Postal Notification’ themed emails lead to malware

USPS ‘Postal Notification’ themed emails lead to malware

Cybercriminals are currently mass mailing millions of emails impersonating The United States Postal Service (USPS), in an attempt to trick its customers into downloading and executing the malicious .zip archive linked in the bogus emails.

Upon execution, the malware opens a backdoor on the affected host, allowing the cybercriminals behind the campaign to gain complete control over the host.

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‘ADP Immediate Notification’ themed emails lead to Black Hole Exploit Kit

‘ADP Immediate Notification’ themed emails lead to Black Hole Exploit Kit

Newsflash, the cybercriminals behind the recently profiled malicious campaign impersonating Bank of America, launched yet another massive spam campaign, this time targeting ADP customers. Upon clicking on the link found in the malicious email, users are exposed to the client-side exploits served by the latest version of the Black Hole Exploit Kit.

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BofA ‘Online Banking Passcode Reset’ themed emails serve client-side exploits and malware

BofA ‘Online Banking Passcode Reset’ themed emails serve client-side exploits and malware

Cybercriminals are currently mass mailing millions of emails, in an attempt to trick Bank of America customers into clicking on the exploit and malware-serving link found in the spamvertised email. Relying on bogus “Online Banking Passcode Changed” notifications and professionally looking email templates, the campaign is the latest indication of the systematic rotation of impersonated brands in an attempt to cover as many market segments as possible.

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Nuclear Exploit Pack goes 2.0

Nuclear Exploit Pack goes 2.0

In times when the market leading Black Hole Exploit Kit continues to gain market share, competing products are prone to emerge. What is the competition up to? Has it managed to differentiate itself from the market leading product or is it basically a “me too” exploit kit lacking any significant features worth emphasizing on?

In this post, I’ll profile the recently advertised Nuclear Exploit Pack v.2.0, elaborate on its features, and discuss whether or not it has the potential to outpace the market leader (Black Hole Exploit Kit) in terms of market share.

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Cybercriminals spamvertise millions of bogus Facebook notifications, serve malware

Cybercriminals spamvertise millions of bogus Facebook notifications, serve malware

Recently, cybercriminals spamvertised yet another massive email campaign, impersonating the world’s most popular social network – Facebook.

It was similar to a previously profiled spam campaign imitating Facebook. However, in this case the cybercriminals behind it relied on attached malicious archives, compared to including exploits and malware serving links in the email.

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Cybercriminals spamvertise millions of British Airways themed e-ticket receipts, serve malware

Cybercriminals spamvertise millions of British Airways themed e-ticket receipts, serve malware

Cybercrimianals are currently mass mailing millions of emails in an attempt to trick British Airways customers into executing the malicious attachment found in the spamvertised emails. Upon execution, the malware opens a backdoor on the infected host, allowing the cybercriminals behind the campaign to gain complete control over the infected host.

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Spamvertised ‘BT Business Direct Order’ themed emails lead to malware

Spamvertised ‘BT Business Direct Order’ themed emails lead to malware

Over the past 24 hours, cybercriminals have been spamvertising millions of emails targeting customers of BT’s Business Direct in an attempt to trick its users into executing the malicious attachment found in the emails. Upon executing it, the malware opens a backdoor on the infected host, allowing the cybercriminals behind the campaign to gain complete access to the affected host.

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Cybercriminals impersonate Verizon Wireless, serve client-side exploits and malware

Cybercriminals impersonate Verizon Wireless, serve client-side exploits and malware

Verizon Wireless customers, beware!

For over a week now, cybercriminals have been persistently spamvertising millions of emails impersonating the company, in an attempt to trick current and prospective customers into clicking on the client-side exploits and malware serving links found in the malicious email.

Upon clicking on any of the links, users are exposed to the client-side exploits served by the latest version of the Black Hole Exploit Kit.

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